
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fifty Shades of Sickness and Blush

Holaa~ Amigos!

As you all know, I kinda CONFESSED to that certain someone. It was days ago but stillah! Aku takut awkward kut!!! But alhamdulillah everything went on smoothly (well not everything though)

It was an unusual school day. I blushed like crazy everytime I remember Fifty (as in Christian Grey) but today, I have reach my climax! Tulah, sape suruh tak tidur semalam. I hope that 'guy' tak perasan. Susah kalau dia ingat aku blushing sbb dia.

When I saw 'him', I couldn't think straight. Any rational person will feel the same feeling as me(ooh, now I'm saying that I'm rational). Okay, so after a while, he approached us and asked me what candy flavoured that I gave him on his gift bag and I was like

O.O Bila pulak aku bagi dia gula2

Then I remembered that Didiy gave me the candy to cheer me up just in case I got rejected (which really happened but I dont care since I dont particullarly like him now) Then he was talking about the letter. The classical arse letter XD

The Guy:
Serious aku sakit hati baca surat tu. Aunty, Uncle palahotak kau. Aku tak ready lagilah (something like thislah)
Menggeletar tangan aku baca surat tu. (I'm not sure about this but he did say something about menggeletar but I didnt know why he menggeletar)
Aku nak blah pastu dia panggil aku, pastu jerit 'Wei, **** aku suka kau tau! (which I repeated again there and cause Fahmi to say 'Siapa?' with a horrid face)

There are somethings left but I just cant remember them. Tehehehe ^///,\\\^ Maaflah, nenek sudah tua XD

BlaBlaBla, nothing much happened today except for the fact that my face was flushed the whole day. Macam orang demam ada, macam orang pakai terlebih blusher pun ada. Sah mereng kepala hotak aku ni. IshIshIsh.

Christian Trevelyan Grey WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO THIS INNOCENT LITTLE GIRL!!! (innocentlah sangat!)

Oh yes, I went on a kissing rampage today and Lyana was my victim. Her reaction was unsurprisingly funny XD She was like over the top. I mean c'mon! I'm not a les that will randomly kiss a girl. Yes oh yes, and a certain guy, came over to our group and told them the time where I WAS about to kiss him (well hell yea he deserved it. he annoyed me to death. I dont really kiss him though. My lips, they're innocent :)) Thanks to that Lyana merajuk 7 hari 7 malam dengan den.

My class has decide to go to El-Azzhar Camp this school holiday. It's like a summer camp but much more gooey!

That is all for today.

Tata ;)

P.S: When Ardella read my confession post she was like 'sama je mcm darjah 6' and I was like 'at least aku cakap betul2 kali ni. tak delah tergagap, terlari, terkencing(ini tidak pernah terjadi. literally) mcm dulu'' ;)

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