
Monday, July 8, 2013

The Story of a Blushing Nadiah~

               Once upon a time, in the village of KEREK's there lived a little girl named Nur Nadiah bt. Salehudin. Her friends called her 'Nody'. Nody likes to do business so one day, she came up with a plan to sell "kek batik". Nody's "kek batik" or should I say her mom's "kek batik" was well received by the villagers.

               On one Monday or Tuesday or Wednesday or Thursday or Friday morning, Nody's friend, Ainur bought one of her "kek batik". Ainur made a little mistake. She ate the cake in the class and our dear 'gorilla' friend tried to snatched it from her. So, Ainur calmed the huge, furry gorilla and offered him the cake but in one condition...

Ainur: Aku bagi kau kek ni tp kau kena cari sudu sendiri

Gorilla: Alaah! Mana aku nak cari sudu!

Allya The Great (me): Kalau malas sangat, makan jelah guna tangan....

Gorilla: TAK NAK!

Me: Kenapa?

Gorilla: K.O.T.O.R. KOTOR!

Me: Gedikz -_-

               Our gorilla almost gave up but then suddenly........ Nody, who's eating her rice with a SPOON gave the gorilla the thing that he wanted the most (at that time). Sang gorilla snatched the spoon and hurriedly ate the "kek batik". After that he, dengan selambanye gave the spoon back to Nody. I then said

Oh My God! An indirect kiss!! (banyak sgt baca manga + tgk drama)

               The gorilla then laugh or should I say smirked... Aaaargh! I don't know! It's between the two. He then patted Nody's head and walks away. Instantly Nody blushed! Ainur and I "mengejek" her 'till she snapped. Hehehehe XD

That is the story of how Nadiah blushed!

The End ;)

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